The great notoriety that khorasan has gained over time is mainly due to the increasing spread of food allergies; after long studies conducted in the USA it has been shown that about 70% of people who cannot tolerate traditional wheat due to allergic reactions can safely consume khorasan. However, the same indications do not apply to those with celiac disease; khorasan, like wheat, contains gluten and therefore cannot be consumed by people intolerant to gluten. In addition to its nutritional properties, its good digestibility and assimilability are highly appreciated. To underline the presence of selenium, which, thanks to its antioxidant properties, is able to protect the body from the effects of the much feared free radicals. To confirm the good nutritional properties, every 100 grams of khorosan, we have a caloric intake of 335 calories.
Khorasan wheat is very rich in selenium, zinc and magnesium and also contains iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium and sodium. Among the vitamins present some of the B group: B1 o (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B6 (pyridoxine); it also has a good amount of vitamin E (tocopherol). The concentration of amino acids is higher than that of traditional wheat and is, like other wheat varieties, cholesterol-free;
Properties and beneficial effects of Kamut Kamut, belonging to the genus Triticum, is an ancient grain cultivated by the Egyptian population, called Khorasan wheat, produced with organic cultivation in different parts of the world and patented by the US company "Kamut International". The patented "Kamut" Khorasan wheat is certainly a product deriving from organic farming and, for this reason, free from pesticides or derived from chemical fertilizers. Therefore, by purchasing Khorasan "Kamut" wheat, you can be sure of a genuine product that still maintains all the qualities of the ancient Khorasan wheat intact, now as millennia ago, without genetic manipulation or use of harmful products during production. Khorasan "Kamut" wheat (which from now on we will simply call "Kamut wheat" as we will expressly refer to that produced organically) has grains much larger than normal wheat and is therefore called "giant wheat". In history it was not very appreciated, it presented dark periods until it was decided to focus on this product, with the idea of guaranteeing a definitely healthy Khorasan wheat. Kamut wheat is considered one of the most complete cereals from a nutritional point of view, richer in proteins and minerals than wheat: it has about 350 calories per 100 g of product, 9% of water, 16 g of protein, 69 g carbohydrates, 2 grams of fat and 7 grams of dietary fiber. Kamut wheat is very rich in selenium, zinc and magnesium and also contains iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium and sodium. Among the vitamins present some of the B group: B1 o (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B6 (pyridoxine); it also has a good amount of vitamin E (tocopherol). The concentration of amino acids is higher than that of traditional wheat and is, like other wheat varieties, cholesterol-free; Kamut wheat contains gluten, so it is not a food suitable for celiacs. It has a good digestibility and, moreover, not having been treated with pesticides and other allergenic substances, Kamut wheat is tolerated by 70% of the population who have allergic reactions to traditional wheat; however, especially in cases of severe allergies, it is always advisable to consult a doctor. It is energizing and therefore recommended in cases of asthenia. Among the beneficial properties we find that closely linked to the richness in selenium and other minerals, which make kamut a food with antioxidant properties, able to fight damage due to free radicals and, therefore, to delay the aging of cells; it also decreases the risk of cancer formation, heart disease, it is remineralizing and a food recommended for all ages, in cases of anemia, stress and it is also useful for the elderly. We have said that Kamut is also rich in zinc, another precious element because it is an antioxidant, essential for the functionality of our immune system, for cell growth, for the synthesis of proteins and for sight. Kamut wheat is available in grains but also in flours, with which bread, pasta and other sweet and savory foods are produced.
Average nutritional content 100g of product:
ENERGY VALUE 1431 KJoule - 342 Kcal
PROTEIN 13.50 gr
of which sugars 8 gr
FATS 2gr
of which saturated 0.00 gr
SALT 0.01 mg
Contains gluten
May contain Soja