The Flour of Tumminia it is produced by means of ancient stone millstones, following the ancient traditions; it is a lightly tumbled wholemeal flour, it contains many trace elements of wheat germ and bran; it has a high protein value and a low gluten index. This flour is very suitable for baking, and must be consumed relatively quickly (about 4 months) in order not to lose its organoleptic qualities. Timilia flour, after milling, has a greyish color, different from the commercial flours we are usually used to; the food products deriving from the use of this flour are wholemeal breads or dark breads so called because of the characteristic dark color of the dough and the crumb. The typical bread produced with this particular flour is called "Castelvetrano black bread", originally from a small town of the same name in the province of Trapani. Timilia flour bread is very fragrant, with a good nutritional contribution and thanks to the use of sourdoughs (natural yeast) it has a long shelf life, it can be kept soft and fragrant for a few days.
Durum wheat variety Russello is an ancient variety of wheat once cultivated throughout the Sicily, now spread to a limited extent in some limited areas of the island. It is distinguished by the height of the ear higher than the other grains, about 180 cm, and by a high protein content (12% -14%.) As for the bread making it is used to produce "hard dough" bread (having a very high toughness / elasticity ratio attributed to the former), according to the traditionally widespread technique in the province of Ragusa, the achievable results are exceptional: both on the organoleptic and on the visual level.
Perciasacchi wheat o Sicilian long spelled is an ancient Sicilian native wheat with superior organoleptic characteristics. The name derives from the particular sharp shape of the grain that percia (hole) the bags that contain it. Ancient grains were once very widespread in Sicily, there were about fifty varieties, thanks to the extraordinary heritage of biodiversity that distinguishes the island and which depends on its physical characteristics. These were, however, abandoned during the so-called green revolution in favor of more performing, genetically improved, so-called modern wheat varieties, which led to greater productivity in the food industry, but also to the loss of local typicality. Today local agriculture has resumed the cultivation of fragrant ancient grains. Among all the Perciasacchi is considered the most valuable for its ancestral aroma, which releases the scents of the Mediterranean scrub.
Biancolilla wheat it is an ancient variety of wheat that was very widespread in Sicily until the so-called green revolution, when all ancient grains were abandoned in favor of more performing, genetically improved, called modern wheat varieties. For this reason, today Sicilian agriculture has resumed the cultivation of ancient grains which are considered of greater value than modern ones, which bring with them unique flavors, nuances and aromas, and are more digestible, tolerable and rich in nutrients. Like all ancient grains, Biancolilla has a high, blond and delicate ear, it is distinguished from other varieties by the filaments with dark gray shades and amber grains. The traditional milling in ancient natural stone mills is a guarantee of efficiency and quality. In fact, from stone grinding, a flour with irregular grains is obtained, very rich in bran, which keeps the germ - the noblest and tastiest part of the seed - intact and preserves its organoleptic heritage.
The Nero Madonita wheat it is an ancient durum wheat, with a low gluten index, a variety of the past that has remained authentic and original and has not undergone any modification by man. A wheat against "gluten sensitivity" the developed sensitivity to gluten that is found more and more frequently in recent years, probably due to the excessive consumption of modern wheat rich in gluten immeasurably. Molito a pietra produces a much less refined flour, a product semi-wholemeal which however maintains a more balanced relationship between the presence of starch and gluten, making the flour lighter and more digestible.
Average nutritional values per 100 g of wholemeal products
Power 362 kcal / 1521kJ Fat 1.1 g of which saturated 0.0 g
There Flour 00 "La Brava" it is an extraction product, it is designed to ensure easy use in all mechanical processes where extensibility and laminability are required, allowing the creation of products that are always uniform and constant in thickness.
It is suitable for the production of biscuits, breadsticks, crackers, snacks, waffles, Sicilian cannoli, shortcrust pastry, etc.
The great notoriety that KAMUT® khorasan has gained over time is mainly due to the increasing spread of food allergies; after long studies conducted in the USA it has been shown that about 70% of people who cannot tolerate traditional wheat due to allergic reactions can safely consume KAMUT® khorasan.
Suitable for the production of bread and bakery products, such as: crackers, rusks, breadsticks, flatbreads, tigelle, wraps, biscuits, sweet and savory, baked pastries in general, snacks, pizza.
Durum wheat semolina is a less refined product than re-milled semolina, with a more intense yellow color and coarser graininess, it is ideal for the production of homemade pasta, which unlike that produced with re-milled semolina is more compact and calloused and retains great flavor and aromas.
Blend of wholemeal flours of ancient Sicilian durum wheat: TUMMINIA, RUSSELLO, NERO MADONITA, PERCIASACCHI AND BIANCOLILLA "Strictly Moliti with Natural Stone"
- INTEGRAL MIX PACK : 5 kg overall of selection of our wholemeal flours produced from various types of grains (RUSSELLO, TUMMINIA, SARACENO, WHOLEMEAL DURUM WHEAT, RYE)
Sorghum flour, with a delicate flavor, can be used for the preparation of sweet and savory baked goods or in addition to other flours containing gluten. Or in combination with starches, to improve the final consistency of the product.
IS' ideal for mixing cakes, donuts, biscuits, pancakes, bread and savory products in general.
Hats, ancient and excellent variety of durum wheat. Its flour is perfect for making excellent sourdough bread using sourdough.
Senatore Cappelli durum wheat is free from any contamination by x- and y-ray induced mutagenesis of radioactive cobalt, unlike irradiated GMO durum wheat varieties, today used in agriculture.
The Tritordeum® is a new natural cereal born from combination of durum wheat (Triticum durum) and wild barley (Hordeum chilense). THEl Tritordeum is one species grown in a natural way. Over 30 years of selection have produced a new one cereal crop that brings great health benefits and ensures a low environmental impact. The Tritordeum®it is an excellent basic ingredient for a wide range of cereal products .Tritordeum-based products ® they have an unmistakable taste and aroma and are characterized by a pleasant golden color.
Homemade bread, Fast leavened pizzas and focaccias, Shortcrust pastry, Sponge cake, Venetian, Fresh pasta
There Flour 00 "La Brava" it is an extraction product, it is designed to ensure easy use in all mechanical processes where extensibility and laminability are required, allowing the creation of products that are always uniform and constant in thickness.
It is suitable for the production of biscuits, breadsticks, crackers, snacks, waffles, Sicilian cannoli, shortcrust pastry, etc.
There Flourof pistachio It is a very versatile product with a strong flavour, which is suitable for both sweet and savoury recipes, to give each dish an unmistakable touch.
Blend suitable for making the typical Pinsa of Rome. The finished product will have a distinctive and decisive taste, with notes of traditional flavor, due to the presence of soy and rice and Tritordeum.
The wholemeal flour of "Tumminia" is produced from an ancient Sicilian wheat cultivated without the use of phytosanitary, and milled by means of ancient stone millstones; production area: SICILY
The richness and diversity of the ingredients of which it is composed constitutes a bread rich in fiber, healthy and extremely digestible; the seeds contained do not undergo any grinding process, being perceptible both to taste and to sight
There Saragolla flour a durum wheat of this kind is obtained by grinding on the stone of the ancient Saragolla Triticum Turgidum Durum, which was cultivated in the past in Abruzzo, Sannio and Lucania.
Excellent base for the preparation of bread, pizza and traditional local pasta.
Amaranth is a food that provides the same energy as whole grains. For its part, it contains excellent doses of fibers, a greater amount of lipids (up to 7 times higher than the equivalent of whole wheat), surprising portions offootball(5 times as much) and diiron (twice).
Ideal for alternative baked goods. Rich in iron and calcium.
The wholemeal flour of "Tumminia" is produced from an ancient Sicilian wheat cultivated without the use of phytosanitary, and milled by means of ancient stone millstones; production area: SICILY
The rye-based dough is not very elastic and almost devoid of resistance, because it contains little gluten. The bread made from it is very dark, with a characteristic flavor. Rye flour can also be used for the preparation of sweets, biscuits or cakes, pasta, focaccia and fried food.
It is possible to cut this flour with a type 0 - 1 - 2, to maintain a low degree of refinement and improve the processing of the dough
At one time, rye bread was mainly intended for popular food and was also called "black bread" (due to the dark brown tone of the flour)
Hats, ancient and excellent variety of durum wheat. Its flour is perfect for making excellent sourdough bread using sourdough.
Durum wheat Cappelli is free from any contamination by x- and y-ray induced mutagenesis of radioactive cobalt, unlike irradiated GMO durum wheat varieties, today used in agriculture.
Wholemeal "Russello" flour is produced from an ancient Sicilian wheat grown without the use of phytosanitary, and milled by means of ancient stone millstones; production area: SICILY
Durum wheat semolina is a less refined product than re-milled semolina, with a more intense yellow color and coarser graininess, it is ideal for the production of POLENTA, SEMOLINO, or for COUS COUS (after mixing) , which unlike that produced with re-milled semolina is more compact and callused and retains great flavor and aromas.
There rice flour it's a product rich in starch, from very fine consistency, which is obtained by grinding the white rice grain. It is a great ingredient to add to your diet, given its own beneficial properties, in fact it is the basis of many traditional dishes of the Chinese and Japanese cuisine as it is ideal to replace common flour in case of intolerances (NO GLUTEN FREE PRODUCT)
The great notoriety that khorasan has gained over time is mainly due to the increasing spread of food allergies; after long studies conducted in the USA it has been shown that about 70% of people who cannot tolerate traditional wheat due to allergic reactions can safely consume khorasan.
Special flour that contains cells of the bran parts that line the endosperm. The bread is very digestible, tasty and can also be kept for several days. Alveographic W equal to 250
This particular type of flour is obtained from grinding of pea seeds previously dried. It's a protein-rich flour, starch, fiber, mineral salts, vitamins, antioxidants.
The wholemeal flour of "Tumminia" is produced from an ancient Sicilian wheat cultivated without the use of phytosanitary, and milled by means of ancient stone millstones; production area: SICILY
The Tritordeum® is a new natural cereal born from combination of durum wheat (Triticum durum) and wild barley (Hordeum chilense). THEl Tritordeum is one species grown in a natural way. Over 30 years of selection have produced a new one cereal crop that brings great health benefits and ensures a low environmental impact. The Tritordeum®it is an excellent basic ingredient for a wide range of cereal products .Tritordeum-based products ® they have an unmistakable taste and aroma and are characterized by a pleasant golden color.
Homemade bread, Fast leavened pizzas and focaccias, Shortcrust pastry, Sponge cake, Venetian, Fresh pasta
Blend of wholemeal flours of ancient Sicilian durum wheat: TUMMINIA, RUSSELLO, NERO MADONITA, PERCIASACCHI AND BIANCOLILLA "Strictly Moliti with Natural Stone"