Our first factory was born in Gravina di Catania, during the Second World War, thanks to the initiative of Zappalà Venerando. In 1955 he opens a new factory in Mascalucia, a town in the province of Catania on the slopes of Etna, and passes on the complex art of milling and the passion for the genuineness of the products first to his children and then to his grandchildren..
The company today, already in its third generation, boasts a production efficiency of 220 quintals / 24 h. Our distinctive character is the high standard of the finished product, obtained thanks to the accurate chemical-physical analyzes carried out in the laboratory and the meticulous selection of raw materials coming exclusively from Sicilian consortia and farmers. The philosophy of Molino Zappalà is to place the customer's needs at the center of the decision-making processes in order to establish a lasting and firm collaboration, providing a careful service both for production and distribution of products.