Soft Wheat Flours
Soft wheat flour it has a white color and chalky appearance. During the grinding, the soft wheat grain is deprived of its external coating. The percentage of this casing that is ground is equivalent to the degree of ash present in the flour.
0 Manitoba flour si uses to strengthen weak flours or to produce particular breads. It absorbs 90% of its weight in water. Manitoba is the name of a region of Canada, but today they are called Manitoba all flours with strength W greater than 350. The main characteristic of this type of soft wheat is the high presence of proteins which determines a flour capable of developing a tenacious gluten mesh in contact with water and capable of tolerating long leavening.
Type 00 flour (called average, with an index of W from 180 to 250). It is good for kneading some types of bread or pizzas and for pastry. Absorbs 55% of its weight in water)
Flours type 1 - 2, represent flours with an index of Minor Refining than conventional flours. This translates into a greater protein intake and high taste enhancement.